Monday, 10 June 2013

Some thoughts about Stardoll..

So lately I've been thinking wuite a lot about Stardoll

- how they somehow seem to be withdrawing themselves from the users; Loosing their connection to us..

My main issue with this is that for example Denmark seem to have lost their admin or "Callie" (Nynne.Stardoll) and I know of several other countries where this has happened.
And the "Callies" were the main connection between us (the users) and Stardoll when it wasn't about problems regarding the site (If you have problems you have to contact them through, you guessed it, "Contact" in the bottom of the site)

Another thing is the lack of competitions. I'm not saying stardoll should make competitions all the time and give massive prizes, personally I'd be glad if there was a competition just once in a while and I don't see a need for prizes.. The competitions were a way for us all to have a common project.
I am REALLY surprised there wasn't even a mengine of:
1: The Eurovision Song Contest (I mean seriously, they even held it in Sweden this year!)
2: The Royal wedding in Sweden a few days back (Since Stardoll IS Swedish and the Eurovision was an annual celebration on stardoll before and they have "covered" the royal wedding of all of Europe throughout the years)

But well, they do release a bunch of SD-clothes and a TON of "Offers" (buy this and get a lot of Stardollars to throw away in 5 minutes + a really boring and simple-looking outfit)
So I guess we should be happy.

But I'm not really..

I like Stardoll as I've liked it for many years, ever since I joined. There's been up-dates I liked and up-dates I didn't like but none of that mattered because Stardoll kept it personal, even with millions of members and that's what is so special about Stardoll. They keep it personal and find that connection to their members, where other sites barely glance at the members but are all about the game and the earnings.

I like Stardoll and I'm going to keep likeing it, because I've made friends through Stardoll and it's a place for me to be creative and take a break from my life.

But I miss the personal connection and I miss the collective celebration, of things happening around the world.

If anyone actully read this far..

- How do you think everything is on stardoll?

- Ladydiver


  1. Well I really miss the old stardoll. I really do. It was simple yet I had fun. Even though I wasn't a superstar back then, I love going on people's suites and looking around. There was this one girl who has lots of clothes. I mean, really lots. I was in awe and kind of jealous since I only started then and had a few pieces of clothes and items. I remember whenever there are notifications like gb comment, friend request, the buttons would light up below the medoll and I would really get excited XD I also made a lot of sceneries but I deleted them last year except for the first scenery I ever made. Clothes and items where never that expensive. I miss the old locks used in rooms and how I miss the starpoints system and the 'items' stardoll puts in the starpoint tree (like bugs, flowers, hearts and dragonflies). Many clubs were also active. Yes, there were a lot. Clubs for free items, starpoint tips, beauty and makeup, etc. There were only a few clubs who held competitions where the prizes are gift codes. I also remembered when you invite a friend to join, you get stardollars not starpoints and many users abuse that. And also, there were a lot of free items! :)

    Nah, just reminiscing the old times. Haha.

    Stardoll has indeed grown and change since then.. there are 2 currencies. Superstar vs Royalty vs Non SS. I also notice this year, almost all the items in bazaars are for 600sc/sd. I was really thankful I was able to buy quite a few items before they get so expensive.

    I wanted to write more but I'm starting to get lazy lol.

    Sorry for the lengthy paragraph.

    Come visit my suite anytime, readers.

    - kawaii.otaku

    1. Don't be sorry for the lengthy paragraph, I loved reading it :)
      As to the bazar prices going up up and away, it can be explained with the fact that SS/Royalty can't exchange SC's into SD's anymore so now suddenly they have to make sure they get enough ;)

      And I miss the old Stardoll aswell, though I wouldn't live without some of the newer things, for example the bazar ;) But it's obvious in a way that Stardoll is becomming more about the SD/SC's and having "rare items" because we're now able to actully sell/buy with each other, so in one way the Bazar was a revelation and in another way it could be called the thing that ended the old Stardoll :)

      But we're all still here, so they must be doing something right ;D

      - Ladydiver

    2. Oh so that's why the prices are over the top! It's hilarious seeing those old items (some aren't even rares) for 600sc! Haha

      Me, too. The only thing that makes me want to play stardoll more was the bazaar. I love to buy and sell - buying cheap items then add 2-5sd for profit though some items are worth more =) And I also collect rare items, some of which I found for a cheaper price XD. I also collect old clothes, those low-quality clothes I can't buy way before D: Now I hate the new items. I hate the colors. It's like gradient and glossy just like LE and antidote, too.

      I really appreciate stardoll for releasing the old items (some rares, yay!) in the archive. I just wish I'll be able to buy them this week :<

      - kawaii.otaku

    3. Yeah that's one of the main reasons ^^ And offcourse there's the reason that all new SS/Royalty see that others sell for 600 SD/SC so they do it too :)

      And practicly anything old is called a "rare" these days even though they're not at all o.o The only truly rare items have been branded"RARE" by Stardoll. And then offcourse the old big brands like DKNY, because a lot have them but no-one want's to sell them ;D

      I agree on the new looks for the clothes, some of it's just a bit too silly and made to look a bit too "real". The thing I miss the most is the release of "strange" clothes in Tingeling, it's just normal clothes with colourfull patterns now :)

      And I'm glad to meet another person who actully likes that they're re-releasing old stuff :D

      - Ladydiver

  2. *Pretend you're around a campfire*

    And this is my story...
    I started playing Stardoll in 2008. It was a fun game because at that time there was two types of currency and there were no restrictions to buy, so I, without being SS, was an ordinary doll and I remember how to have something like a dress we had to combine many items to have one xD That if each "dress" was very original. And I remember when he left the mortal saga kiss then, remember it was like a book you had to go on into the homes of the characters and the crime scenes and each one should discover and draw your own conclusions about the history I remember as I joined a club to discuss it in some way we were closer. I remember as admired just after leaving the third season of LE and as I thought they were very nice but unattainable, however, was more than complies with hidden stores front row, mortal kiss, otto, abby dawn, hilary duff and arvil lavigne stores, and giving free stuff (now I can not believe that they are considered "rare") was a very active a member until he entered Starcoins currency, I think in that moment when I discovered that I could not buy certain things I felt like cheated (because they had changed my Star dollars with hard work save 1 per day because 4 of them would disappear anyway) and an outcast. So let Stardoll ... so far, I went back and saw that my old account was gone and in trying to recover my account, never sent the password to my mail, and do not think the mail was wrong because all my life I only had one email :(
    And when I returned I found many surprises all together, Stardesign hair, jewelry and even an Academy! I liked these new features but when I first came to Starplaza after many years I was very disappointed to see that the only items in SC I could buy were the same for years. Also I found new stores, the same as ever, and some that I liked when I was playing for years, I think I went when Otherworld recently released his first season. I think what surprised me most were the new LE and Antidote, which were stores that had always been versatile and unique designs, designs had overvalued prices to what they had been before. Tingeling, which had always been my favorite store was closing. I found the "Archivements", chat rooms, quite funny but seeing that my friends were gone well before, knew it was not the same. But all in all, I am adapting to the new Stardoll. I'll tell you my progress (?.

    Good night!
    The old "frutillita. -" And now "Dancingmood" :D

    P.S: Sorry, Use the google translator hahahaa

    1. That is a really nice story :) And it's good to see you're back! I totally understand that it can be a bit hard to adapt to the "new" Stardoll :)
      Oh and Tingeling isn't gone, but it has changed a lot and it's barely the same store unfortuneately :/
      - Ladydiver

  3. I don't know? I read this website to get so insight of star doll. thx!

  4. *piano music plays*

    I remember the old stardoll. I joined in 2008 (when i was only 7) i loved stardoll. My mom would watch me as i dressed up my doll and buy items. Everyday when i came home i would always go on stardoll and play on it until it was time to sleep. I don't know what happened but i stopped playing it after a year (2009) i forgot my username and password. All i remember was it had emily in the username.
    The i re-joined in 2010 and almost thought it was a different site! This was in november (on some random day) The site was completely different. I enjoyed some new features and things but i mostly hate it. I loved the old hot buys and LE. I miss The old stardoll. I wish i could go back in time but sadly i cant :(
    I still love going on stardoll, its my favorite site, but the old site will always remain in my heart. I love some features like design jewlery and upgraded suites. But i hate the stardesign hair, most of the new clothes and academy. I will always go on stardoll untill i die. I just wish i could re-live just one day of the old stardol.

    *Music dies off*

    Hope you enjoyed! Add me! Yvonneestrada
