I'm thinking of making my blog into a blog where I just post outfits inspiered by different stuff, where the "Only SC's items" would be something I did weekly with the best new SC's items. The other days I'd just post inspiered outfits, using both SC and SD items.. But I'm not going to decide that now..
Today I've got some SC outfits for ya (the non-existing readers)
- Byes, Ladydiver.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Friday, 8 June 2012
It was pretty boring to make outfits today, because three of the new items are shoes, then there's a necklace and an ugly top.. Yeah sorry, but the labyrinth top? It's ugly..
The new items are highlighted with red on the picture, makes it easier to fin them :3
I'm not really gonna say anything about them, other than I only really like the shoes of the first one and then all the other new items are just uggo o.o
Pretty simple and cheap outfits today, enjoy!
- Ladydiver
Thursday, 7 June 2012
So, there were many new items today (6 O.o which women/girls can wear) all Fallen Angel items :3 And MUCH prettier than the ones yesterday ^^ I have a male doll, and he's SO getting the new stuff from Fallen Angel Boys (No, you can't know his name, he's my secret and I'm not even friends with him :3)
First outfit is pretty expensive (new item: Zodiac cuffs, Fallen Angel boys) it's a bit of a mix between Laura Croft (spelled right.. Right?) and some random biker-chick :3 Kinda like it, but wouldn't put it on my own doll, not her style ^^
Second (new item: Compass Necklade, Fallen Angel) is much more, beachy-elegant.. But with a red twist, so it's probably a mix of beachy-elegant and stuff you see in visual kei music-videos (not the hardcore ones)..
Third a bit 90's school girl again (new item: Sky and Grid Shirt, Fallen Angel) , can't help it, it's a weakness of mine at the moment :3
Fourth (new item: Space Walk Boots, Fallen Angel) is a classic chic (?) outfit for a nice party with your folks..
Fifth -there's so many today..- is a tomboy outfit (new item: Leo Vest, Fallen Angel boys)
Sixth and last (new item: Telescope Glasses, Fallen Angel boys) Bit hippie, bit elegant, bit chic.. Elegant Hippie Chic! :3
So that was the outfits for today, hope you like (my invisible ghost readers xD)
I went to my last written exam today, didn't go that well :( Hope the guy/gal who's gonna correct it, will be nice to me x.x
I feel like watching Star Wars..
- May the force be with you!, Ladydiver
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
When I saw there were new items for the fallen angel shop today, I got soooo happy :D because I'm a sucker for fallen angel.. When I saw the items, I wasn't happy..
As you can see, the first outfit is like a mix between voile and decades like (new item: star map dress from fallen angel), I kinda like it :3 And if I weren't saving up for, buddah knows how many, things at the moment, I'd consider buying it :)The second outfit (new item: zup sky skirt, fallen angel) well.. I don't like it, but it's mainly because I don't like the skirt, but I did my best..
Third (new item: space lounge wedges, fallen angel) is a mix between the 80's sharp egdes and todays dark patterns.
Fourth.. Well no comments (new item: star sky jacket, fallen angel)
Fifth and last (new item: spaceship key earrings, fallen angel) is pretty normal. The dress is -I'm sorry to say- the ONLY item I find is remotely wellmade from the user-designs in Wild Candy..
So to be honest, I think todays new items in the shop, are dreadfull ... Well I like the dress a bit and the earrings, but the skirt, shoes and jacket are just awfull -.-
- Ladydiver
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
To make sure, that I don't use the same items again and again and again? I've decided, that as much as possible, my outfits will be at least contain one whole new item (from the "news" section in Starplaza)
The first one (new item: Teal V Neck Blouse)today, is a bit 90's schoolgirl like :) Ad on a tie and some long stockings and you're ready to go :D The second (new item: Lace Bloomers).. Well I gotta admit, I don't like the bloomers, so I had a lot of difficulty finding a top which would match at least a little bit. So it's not the prettiest outfits I've made :/ the third (new item: Silver Detailed Heels) is just random :3 - Byes, Ladydiver
Monday, 4 June 2012
So today I've chosen to make outfits, with the new starcoin items in the shop :3 Though they're not pretty all of them o.o

I don't really like the pink top (outfit 2), it's a bit weird fitting.. But I LOVE LOVE LOVE the white corset top (outfit 3) :D
HEY! Listen to this! I went to my first oral exam today, right? I expected to get like a medium grade.. I got 12.. It's the freakin' top grade x.x I almost cried when my chemistry teacher told me o.o I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooo so so so so happy!
- Byes, Ladydiver
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Gooooood MORNING.. (okay it's 11:49 but what ever).. Just eating my breakfast; Kiwi.. Shouldn't have brushed my teeth first, tastes like **** xD
Anyway, I though I'd start off my day of preparing for mondays exam, by making a few outfits :3 Make sense right? So anyway :D
It got a bit pink/white I know.. But I just can't help it, it's summer! I know I don't seem like the kind of person who'd like these outfits (because I mainly wear black myself IRL) but just because I don't wear it myself, it doesn't mean that I don't like it, and that my doll can't wear it :3
By the way, I know Ladydiver looks like crap today, gonna fix her up a bit o.o
- Byes, Ladydiver.
By the way, there's a pair of leggins (seach pants) for 7 SC's today, probably a glitch so I'd hurry over and look at 'em if I were you :3 (who ever you is, because no one is reading.......)
Anyway, I though I'd start off my day of preparing for mondays exam, by making a few outfits :3 Make sense right? So anyway :D
By the way, I know Ladydiver looks like crap today, gonna fix her up a bit o.o
- Byes, Ladydiver.
By the way, there's a pair of leggins (seach pants) for 7 SC's today, probably a glitch so I'd hurry over and look at 'em if I were you :3 (who ever you is, because no one is reading.......)
Friday, 1 June 2012
I know I only normally post starcoin items, but OMG, they're back! (Archive style) two dresses I've been wanting for sooo long are finally back, but I can't buy them! I kinda used my last Stardollars, woops xD Can' get more untill in 1½ week, and that's only 5 -.- Stupid facebook, why don't you give me 5 a week?? xD If any SuperStars are reading and feel like earning a bit o' money (not much onfortuneately) and can wait some time for it (3½ weeks?) then I've got a deal :3 (wish thinking, of course no one would help -.-). If someone would buy the skeleton dress for me and wait for it to leave the shop again (things in the archive doesn't stay long) then I'd be able to buy it for 10 SD's from you :3
Anyway, here's the two dresses I've been babling about x.x (probably never going to be able to own the pink/red one.. *sigh*)
Anyway, here's the two dresses I've been babling about x.x (probably never going to be able to own the pink/red one.. *sigh*)
Yeah so I haven't been on much for some time, but it's because I have my FINAL EXAMS! Can't wait 'till it's over :)
But my mission in my exam period is to get this bollywood'ish outfit (Love that Stardoll has made some clothes which comes from a different ethnic background!)
It's expensive, but I think it's worth it ^^
But my mission in my exam period is to get this bollywood'ish outfit (Love that Stardoll has made some clothes which comes from a different ethnic background!)
It's expensive, but I think it's worth it ^^
Because I actually had a bit of time (well my brains convinced me that I had) I made an extra outfit. It's inspiered by bollywood, but it's mainly (ok all) black and's got high heels :3

-Bye bye peeps (okay there's probably no one who's reading this but anyway), Ladydiver :)
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