Wednesday 1 May 2013

Superhero Competition!

Competition Time!

Edit: Competition Ends the 31st of May

"What, a competition already again?"

Yes :D Because I loved viewing the entries from the last competition so much :D

It's a dress-up competition again (Because dressing up is what Stardoll is all about!)

To enter you have to dress your doll as a Superhero.

You have to make up your own character (So don't dress up like Hulk, Iron Man, Cat Woman etc.) 
You also have to tell a little bit about your character; Her/His name, Powers and the offcourse the Story! 
Use your imagination and just HAVE FUN! :D

You can either make it in your suite or in the Starplaza (stores) if you want to :)

Here are two suggestions of how it could be done.

I will be judgeing by how creative the Hero AND information about the hero is!

The winner will get: 

1) A free drawing of their doll as a Superhero.
2) A feature in my blog.
3) Their name in my presentation.
4) If they want to, they can do a "guest post" (it can be about anything) on my blog.

2nd place and 3rd place will get:

1) A free drawing of their doll as a Superhero.
2) Their name in my presentation.
3) If they want to, they can do a "guest post" (it can be about anything) on the blog.

You have to up-load your entry-picture as a link and add it to the comments, if anyone needs help on how to up-load a picture, here is a video I found on how to do it:
- Ladydiver



    Tror nok billede er oploadet her på dette link:)

    I am a superhero with a girly twist, I have special power under the water and I can fly like a butterfly:)

    - sportyashley16

  2. Hey :) here is my entry

    Her name is White storm


    - can controll weather (her specialties are storms)
    - can fly
    - she is extra strong

    She was created by an old inventor. He wanted to make a better world. But he also created her sister - Dark storm (villain).

    1. Nice, thanks for the entry, it looks good :D

  3. I want to enter :)
    I am Miyavi-RNG

    His name is the Nut Cracker
    His powers are throwing walnuts from his hands (like spiderman throw copwebb) and talk to all animals and transform in to a uneatable nut.
    He was bitten by a black squirrel, then a grey squirrel and then a red squirrel and he became the Nut Cracker :D
