Monday 15 April 2013


UPDATE: Competition ends 29th of April!

My first competition! :D

To win, you have to dress up my doll (Ladydiver) and save her in your album.

That's all you have to do :D You can use ALL my clothes and dress her in ANY STYLE YOU WANT! :D
- I really like a lot of different styles, so when I judge it will be on how the outfit is matched, not what style it is :)
So you can do emo, vintage, modern, hipster, lolita, summer, winter, superhero, costume, victorian or what ever you want! :D

The winner will get: 

1) A free drawing of their doll (just how they want it, riding a horse, sitting in a garden, sailing etc..)
2) A feature in my blog (interview and picture)
3) I will wear the outfit for 3 days
4) Their name in my presentation
5) If they want to, they can do a "guest post" in my blog

2nd place and 3rd place will get:

1) A drawing of their doll
2) I will wear the outfit for 1 day
3) Their name in my presentation

If you want to enter, let me know here in the comments or in my guest-book :D

If you have any questions, just ask :)

- Ladydiver


  1. cool im in:} btw im waseemorange

  2. Replies
    1. Ok, let me know when you've finished so I can check your album :)

  3. done, you can find it in my blog (on my sd page, vampirelady33)

    1. Sounds good, I'll go check it out :)
      - Ladydiver
