Monday, 26 January 2015

When I'm not around..

.. And you just gotta have some new ideas for SC only outfits (Lol, thought it was a serious post? xD) you can check out my portefolio at my Stylist Studio :)
I mainly do SC-only outfits for my clients unless they ask me to "make it awesome no matter the price" - Which is the most awesome thing you can say to a stylist

- Ladydiver

P.S my exams are over soon and I'm very close to finishing a certain type of SD-videos.. CELEBRATIONS ARE NEAR!

In the mean time, here's a picture of some ears I made for nothing less than 4SD!

I'm gonna continue studying for that exam-thingy now..


Saturday, 17 January 2015

How I deal with spammers..

Mostly I, as everyone else, just ignore spammers.

But when I have the time and mental ressources I decide to have fun with it..
Today someone wrote me and I couldn't help myself but tease him/her a little bit xD

I copied his/her message and replaced the text with my own words
(I'm currently running some competitions in my club LadydiverStyles, so the topic was obvious)

This was hillarious to me, funny enough he/she did not reply to me afterwards? ;)

Spammers, if you can't handle a bit of spam yourself (Even if it's just me, talking back at you, having a laugh), then don't spam. And if you're tough and CAN handle it? Well don't anyway, spammers are annoying.

Spamming doesn't leave a good first impression, so if you want friends, spamming isn't the way to get them

- Ladydiver

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

SD Academy BEAUTY Task 73, 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78

I am sort of back from the living, though I am also a zombie (I've got exams these days).. But after a long day of studying I decided to treat myself to some video-editing and here you all go! 6 new SD Academy videos!

Beauty Task 73

Beauty Task 74

Beauty Task 75

Beauty Task 76

Beauty Task 77

Beauty Task 78

- Ladydiver

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

And then there's me..

.. To be honest I WAS in the middle of changeing my outfit whilst I won this time..
I had just been Robin (Batmans sidekick - Why didn't I make a how-to for that costume?!) and was changing into some cyber-punk-metal-weird thing.. I love weird..

(Me on the bottom, 2nd from the left..)

 It's surpriginsly easy to win NCG of Denmark, so easy that at one point I decided that I wanted to win the 4th every time.. Which is why I've got 4 NCG dates dated to the 4th (check my pres).. I eventually forgot about this and messed it up..

UH BTW: there's currently 2 competition in my club LadydiverStyles and more will be added because it's COMPETITION MONTH in my vlub.. WUHU.. Srsly, it's fun! :D I'm in a screw-saving-up-sc's-I-want-fun-instead kind mood..

- Ladydiver