Wednesday, 26 February 2014

ladydiver and Iadydiver having a ball!

First of all, this is NOT edited in any way, you can go check it in my GB if you don't believe me xD

Second, damn I love it xD

Third, sorry I haven't posted for a while, lots of fantastic stuff going on IRL!

- Ladydiver

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Dress-Up Competition: Costume-theme

Edit: Because I am busy IRL when it's not weekend, I have extended the competition, so it's ends Saturday the 28th instead!

SO I just love making competitions!
This time it's gonna be a dress-up competition and the theme will be COSTUME.
I've chosen this theme, because in Denmark, it's very soon "Fastalavn" which is a bit like Halloween (But older and the costume does not have to be scary)

The THREE (3) winners will get a drawing of their doll in the costume :) To see examples of Drawings of Dolls I've made go check the tab "Drawings of Dolls".
They will also get a gift

I will be judeing the costume and the make-up! And the most creative will win!

You can make it on your own doll (Suite and beauty-parlor) OR in Starplaza OR on my doll with my items (The drawing will be with your doll in the costume, not mine)
Remember! Most creative wins! So if you use my doll, don't make a copy of one of my old costumes!

Best of luck!
For inspiration you can look at my "How-To Costumes" and album.
(Inspiration is ok but no copying ;)

No matter how you enter, you must write your name in a comment under here.
1) Dress up in the costume in your suite/becuty-parlor and tell me to look at your suite/beauty-parlor.
2) Save costume AND make-up in your album and tell me to look at it.
3) Post a link for a picture of the costume and Make-Up
(If you make it in the plaza you have to do number 3)

- Ladydiver

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Donating/Free Jackets and Jumpsuits

So I'm bored and I don't have a lot to spend my SC's on these days, since Stardoll isn't releasing anything I find very nice and useable..

SO I've decided to give some free StarDesign jackets and jumpsuits.. Want one? Tell me in my Guest Book!
I'll be giving an item every second day, starting tommorrow.

Therese are the items you can choose between, colours are changeable.

- Ladydiver

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Valentines Competitions Winners and Sceneries

SO Let's start with the I "Hate Valentines Day"-Competition, this is gonna be fun..
Because! There was only one entry! It was made by my very best friend on Stardoll, Sziszi92! :D
So I guess she's the winner? Which is PERFECT because her scenery is awesome.

Here's Sziszi92's scenery
I know you don't like prizes Sziszi, but I'm gonna get you one anyway! ;D

"The Happy Valentines Day"-Competition

Thw winning scenery was made by Pretty1119

2nd place by SkyAnglefairy                3rd place by ASMAR140

The rest of the entries:

- Ladydiver

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Today was a great day for Nons..

.. Because we were finally able to enter The Vote :)

Here's my first entry, I know it isn't much, but Hollywood is not my thing ;)

How does your first entry look? And if you're not a non, then how does you entry for today look? :)

- Ladydiver

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Having a bad day? Have a laugh!

If you're having a bad day, here's a laugh!
So a friend of mine is, on one of her other users, currently doing a Loki hair-design (And it's awesome!) and this is what happened in her comment section..

Being a massive fan of Marvels movies (I don't read any comics) this is just too hillarious!

- Ladydiver

SC Only Outfits featuring Sziszi92

Along with my own SC Only Outfits, today a lovely and amasing guest has made an SC Only Outfit to post on the blog!
If you know anything about great designers in Stardoll, you probably know this girl, it's Sziszi92! :D

Sziszi92's outfit:

Outfits by Ladydiver

Hope you enjoyed! If YOU want to do a guest SC Only Outfit, let me know!

- Ladydiver

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Valentines Competition

Normally I don't have any oppinion on Valentines day, because I love the Love-part but I hate the gift-part :)

So this year, besides dressing up in Valentines clothes/costumes I'm going to make TWO Valentines competitions! One here on my blog and one in my CLUB (click CLUB to go to my club. You can enter both competitions)

Here the theme will be "I HATE VALENTINES DAY"

So make a scenery inspiered by your hate to Valentines Day (If you don't hate it, just make something up)
When you've made your scenery, just post your username in a comment and I'll go see it on your page :)

ALL sceneries will be posted on my blog, for everyone to see, the 14th (Valentines Day ;)


1st prize: The winning user will be featured on my blog and get a Valentines present.
2nd and 3rd prize will get a Valentines Present

To inspire you all, here are some Valentines sceneries I made last year, and some other Valentines pictures from my suite :)

Best of luck to everyone!
- Ladydiver

Monday, 3 February 2014

Starcoins Only Outfits: Thor-,Viking- and Medieval-inspiered.

So inspiered by the rather weird clothes Frig (and Jane) wears in Thor: The Dark World, medieval garments and Viking-wear (female offcourse) I decided to do some outfits, ended up with two :) I wish I could've added more details to them, but most of the good accessories have either been removed or are now SD-items. Which is rather annoying.

I love norse mythology and can tell you a LOT of things wrong with the Thor movies (I love the movies, they're just not correct and give unknowing people wrong knowledge of the Norse gods, for example Loke is not Thors adoptive brother, but the blood-brother (not birth) of Odin)

Anyway! Here are the outfits! Not the best I've done, but I hope you can see the inspiration :)

One of the "maidens" are a bit more of a modern interpretation of mine, mainly because she has short sleeves..

- Ladydiver

The Vote..

So yesterday the theme on "The Vote" (the new "specrtaculair" competition on SD) was FASHION FAIL. From which you would assume, that the winners would be, well, not that pretty-pretty.. But like I foresaw, as every single day since The Vote started, people whom does not follow the themes, win purely based on their beauty.

Unless these are Fashion Fails?
There's nothing wrong with a beautyfull doll. I actully love, love, LOVE that mermaid tail on the winner, but that wasn't the theme!

I'm not trying to diss the winners, I'm just trying to say, that STARDOLL should check the winners every day, to see if they follow the theme. And if they didn't? Well the the highest rated whom actully follow the theme should win!
If would NOT be hard to look at a few pictures every day, and decide whether the user sticked to the theme. Otherwise, what's the point of a theme? What's the point of exchangeing this for the Catwalk? I much preferred the Catwalk then.

I'll go back to my studies now.. 

- Ladydiver

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Daily Dolls: Suit and Tie

Inspiered by Justin Timberlakes' "Suit and Tie" I found, from the depths of my album dolls, some dolls wearing, not suits but shirts and ties ;)

Found some in different styles, first ones are classic, second ones with a colour-pop or twist and third ones a bit alternative :)

Hope you all like them!

Classic Shirts and Ties

Shirts and Ties with a Twist

 Shirts and Ties in an Alternative Style

- Ladydiver

And offcourse!